职 称:副教授
系 所:数学系
2015.09-2020.07 福建师范大学, 计算数学专业, 理学博士(导师:马昌凤教授)
2011.09-2015.06 赣南师范大学, 数学与应用数学专业, 理学学士
2022.12-至今 771771威尼斯.Cm, 副教授
2020.08-2022.10 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院, 博士后(导师:戴彧虹 研究员)
2019.01-2019.12 香港中文大学,数学系,访问学者
[1] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. The single-step preconditioned HSS method for singular linear systems. Applied and Computational Mathematics, 20 (2021) 247-256.
[2] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. The modified ASSOR-like method for saddle point problems. Journal Of Applied Analysis And Computation, 11 (2021) 1718-1730.
[3] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. Inexact Euler-extrapolated block preconditioners for a class of complex systems of linear equations. Applied Mathematics Letters, 104 (2020) 106229.
[4] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*, Xiaofang Xu. A class of efficient parameterized shift-splitting preconditioners for block two-by-two linear systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 369 (2020) 124815.
[5] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. On Euler preconditioned SHSS iterative method for a class of complex symmetric linear systems. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 53 (2019) 1607-1627.
[6] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. Convergence properties of the single-step preconditioned HSS method for non-Hermitian positive semidefinite linear systems. Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 92 (2019) 16-23.
[7] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. Efficient parameterized rotated shift-splitting preconditioner for a class of complex symmetric linear systems. Numerical Algorithms, 80 (2019) 337-354.
[8] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. On semi-convergence of parameterized SHSS method for a class of singular complex symmetric linear systems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 77 (2019) 466-475.
[9] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. An accelerated symmetric SOR-like method for augmented systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 341 (2019) 408-417.
[10] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. On Euler-extrapolated Hermitian skew-Hermitian splitting method for complex symmetric linear systems. Applied Mathematics Letters, 86 (2018) 42-48.
[11] Chengliang Li, Changfeng Ma*. The Uzawa-PPS iteration methods for nonsingular and singular non-Hermitian saddle point problems. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 77 (2018) 703-720.